bright starts baby walker review

Bright starts walk a bout walker roaming safari Review

Is your baby a lover of animals? If yes, then this jungle theme Bright Starts Walk A Bout Walker Roaming Safari walker would be a perfect choice for your baby.

When riding on the bright start walker, your child will feel as if he is going on a safari with this lovely animal toys.Not just this, you are just a few steps away to know how Bright Starts Walk A Bout Walker Roaming Safari Review has come up in the top purchasing list of baby walkers.

Just like selecting a budget baby monitor under 100 to track their movements, if you want a budget walker with all necessary functionalities, then bright start walker is a great pick.

If you are more concerned about security than theme based then joovy spoon will serve your need as it comes with rubber wheel.

Also Read: Walkers for tall babies

Is Bright Starts Walker a push back or a seated walker?

Bright starts baby walker is a sit in walker where the baby is supported by boundaries with limited freedom to move around.

Best push walkers for babies like vtech give more freedom to move around and sit and play options.

If you want to restrict your child with total movement, then a stationary entertainment like best baby jumper activity center would be a great option that would keep your kids engaged for the rest of the day.

Amongst many of these achievements, the biggest of all is the adventure of learning to walk.

It is one of the most difficult obstacles your little child will face, and they will always resort to whatever means necessary to accomplish their curious little target.

What is more amazing and beautiful to a parent than seeing their little kid taking their first steps. Any effort, from wriggly crawls to their first awkward attempt to stand on their delicate toes, is an achievement for your learning kid.

To guarantee that your child has the greatest care at their first walking experience, it is essential that you, as a parent or legal guardian, provide them with nothing other than the finest with their first steps in learning to walk- the Bright Starts Walk-A-Bout Walker is the top prospect.

What should you look for in a baby walker?

A baby walker is a useful instrument for a child’s mobility. A baby walker is designed to guide a child’s steps while walking and running around so that the parents do not have to stress about them falling down.

It functions similarly to a pair of training wheels on a bicycle, allowing the rider to learn how to balance. Although walkers are not the only tool that helps your child develop motor skills, they are an excellent supplement for helping your child grow and develop his or her accomplishments.

Differing to common opinion, baby walkers do not affect a child’s development until you and your child damage the baby walker and use it constantly.

The only way a baby walker might lead to spinal column issues in the future is if you use it all the time.

Remember that baby walkers are to be used sparingly, and that you should allow the baby to crawl, sit, move, and stand up on his or her own, even though when he or she is using a walker. This allows them to be truly checked in terms of joint mobility and strength.

Walkers are only intended to keep the baby occupied while you do chores around the house without having to worry about the baby’s safety, as opposed to a crib, where the baby can climb over and fall down.

This is the primary objective of a baby walker – to assist mom and dad with household tasks while allowing a little baby to discover the world around them as opposed to being confined to a crib all of the time.

Baby walkers give your kid a feeling of freedom as well. However. they also gain trust in the process so that they can then push their own baby walker.

The self-assurance will finally help your kid learn to discover the world on his or her own terms.

A walker puts you at ease and the kid will be even more amused by the toys but will also be able to wander around easily without the risk of tripping even if they do not yet know how to simply walk straight, without the need of any help.

Your baby will learn how to walk comfortably by using a baby walker. Baby walkers, like walking wheels, help your infant develop a sense of balance so that they understand the basic concept of standing on their own two feet.

What makes bright starts baby walker different from others?

The idea behind a bright starts baby walker is straightforward. It is a wheeled structure in which you place your infant in a harnessed suspended wheelchair.

It moves with your child’s walking movements and helps to strengthen your child’s stability and walking skills. Choosing a baby walker, on the other hand, is more difficult than you would think.

Many factors must be considered to ensure that your baby is healthy and happy with their walker. You must keep in mind that your baby will not only learn to walk with the walker you pick, but will also get their first walking lessons from it. You must guarantee the best for your little learner, hence to choose from the best, our absolute preference is the Bright Starts Walker.

With so many choices kept in front of you, this Bright Starts Walker Review is aimed at helping you understand as to why these Bright Starts Activity Walkers are an excellent choice for your kids.

Features of Bright Starts Walk-A-Bout Walker

The Bright Starts Walk A Bout Walker Roaming Safari is a wide-framed baby walker that weighs a manageable 11 lb. Despite it being low weight, it will accommodate babies weighing as little as 15 lb to as much as 26 lb.

It has a safari theme and is made up of battery-powered toys on the front board of the walker. 3 AAA batteries are required to operate and run the toys for a whopping 20 hours.

Clearly, keeping the kids amused would not be a challenge with this walker. It consists of 3 adjustable seat heights, allowing the walker to rise and shift with your child’s movement and while also making the growing stage fun.

Attractive and Adorable Design

The most appealing aspect of the bright starts walk-a-bout walker, roaming safari is without a doubt its very attractive and cute tiny style.

As a result, your baby will adore the vibrant colors, the chic but stable sense of style, and the engaging and adorable toys that come with it. And it also has the wonderful feature of having an amazingly styled, impressive, and adorable architecture while also emphasizing support, stability, and protection.

Your child will undoubtedly love the walker’s imaginative and delightful nature, as well as the engaging toys that come with the walker. It is designed to be extremely convenient for the parent while still providing the baby with an extremely progressive experience in their development. It is designed with progression, expansion, and fun features keeping in mind, meaning that the walker can become your baby’s best friend as they develop.


Above everything, bright start walker will ensure the safety of your kid as your precious baby’s wellbeing and welfare are top priorities. Surprisingly, you can never be too careful when it comes to a growing, energetic, and learning kid with the curiosity of a cat.

Since the Bright Starts Walk-A-Bout Walker is designed to support the weight of a kid, the structure and body is made to be solid and durable. Steel and polyester, among other materials, are used to build the walker.

The product not only withstands the baby’s weight, but it also endures the baby’s spontaneous and feisty motions and auto bounces.

It has a high back seat that can be modified to 3 different heights with the aim of providing additional protection and security for your small kids. It also has a rubber brake that blocks the Walker’s movement if it comes into contact with a coarse or rocky surface.


This Bright Star Walker Review will never stop celebrating Walker’s brilliant entertainment element. The irony is that parents require their children to be amused rather than the children themselves, and having a child entertained for a brief period of time is really nothing but a short of a miracle for working families.

The bright starts walk-a-bout walker has a removable toy station with a variety of fun games and exercises to keep them entertained. It features a variety of lighting as well as volume-controllable tunes and sounds. The toy station even has a wheel that turns on all of the lights and sounds. Since it is detachable, the toy station is perfect for your kid whether they want to play on the floor or take it with them everywhere they go.

Why is Bright Starts Walk-A-Bout Walker the best Budget Pick?

The price range the Bright Starts Walker comes in, it is super affordable, the quality is sturdy and along with its great features, it is easy to clean and low maintenance for the parents. Not only does it keep the kids engaged and happy, parents are also content with the product and have been their recommendation for other soon to be parents too.

Out of all walkers’ toys in our budget choice, the Bright Starts Walk-A-Bout Walker tops the list. It has sounds, songs, and lights that helps the baby grow and learn along with enjoying it. In addition, the toys have their own volume control.

The walker features a cheerful style of safari and zoo mates to appeal to babies. You can’t argue about the walker’s consistency because it’s made of ABS rubber, TPR, POM, Polyester, PP, and steel. Furthermore, your child will be able to play for extended periods of time because the batteries are supposed to last up to 20 hours. The rubber feet have a braking system that allows the wheels to stop on hard surfaces for additional safety.

How does Bright Starts Walk A Bout Walker Roaming Safari be a good choice for Parents?

To be honest, the last thing parents need is lesstrouble and chaos. With all of its features, the Bright Starts Walker makes life easier for parents. Since it is collapsible, it can be folded flat for easy storage without taking up too much room.

This bright starts activity walker is low maintenance and can be easily kept clean. The bright start baby walker seat and frames are wipeable, making them less susceptible to spills, stains or scratches.

The manufacturer has gone above and beyond to remove the difficult-to-clean nooks and crannies that make certain walkers such a chore to keep clean. The Bright Starts Walk-A-Bout baby walker is easy to clean and folds flat for storage so it doesn’t get in the way when not in daily operation.

The Competition-

All the other baby walkers that did not achieve our standards were made of poorly constructed materials and did not have a large number of toys or toy slots. The most critical features of a baby walker are protection and mobility which was missing in the rest of the walkers.


  • The Bright Starts Walker is a unisex product, making it an easy option for parents who are undecided.
  • It can support a significant amount of weight.
  • The toys have a long battery life.
  • When compared to other walkers in its price range and class, the Bright Start Baby Walker is a steal.
  • With its fairly pleasant toy station, it helps to keep the babies happy for a long period of time.
  • Several amusing themes.
  • Activity tray that can be removed.
  • Batteries that can be replaced.
  • Foldable and easily cleaned.
  • Rubber stoppers for protection.


  • The light start baby walker is not dishwasher friendly and cannot be cleaned with hot water.
  • It cannot be set in a fixed location.
  • It is not portable.
  • On carpets, it does not roll well.
  • There are no spare parts available.

The Verdict

The review has explored nearly every part of this incredible walker to help you understand that this walker is a must-have piece of equipment in your home if you have a baby who is learning to walk. What’s amazing about it is that, in addition to helping the walking baby, it keeps the baby happy with a generous supply of toys.

The Bright Starts Walk-A-Bout baby walker is an incredible value, and not just because of its low price. The toys themselves are worth more than a couple of bucks, and we love the opportunity to switch off the sound effects and songs at the click of a button.

So, if you’ve been looking to pick up that cup of tea you’ve been eyeing since the morning, now’s your chance. It is also a relief for the parents that this walker is simple to store and maintain. The Bright Start Walker folds flat to fit into a corner and is easy to clean with a wipe or two. It is sturdy and durable, providing adequate protection for the child.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does bright starts walk a-bout baby walker roll well on carpet?

Actually No. If you are looking for a baby walker that works well on carpet floors then this would not be the right fit.
As both the front and the rear end wheels are too small, the walker is hard to go through thick rugs and carpets.

Can the wheels of bright starts walk a-bout baby walker be locked to prevent moving?

The wheel has a rubber stopper attached to it that can be locked to prevent motion during tummy time.

Does both the front and rear wheels bright starts walk a-bout baby walker swivel?

The front wheels swivel, but the rear wheels don’t.

Does the bright starts walk a-bout baby walker fold for storage?

Yes, the walker is designed to fold flat for easy storage and is the best walker for small spaces.

Is the activity tray of bright starts roaming safari walker easily removable and batteries be replaced?

Yes, parents can remove the activity tray effortlessly. Children, however, shouldn’t be able to take it off even if they are actively trying. Batteries can be removed and inserted from the bottom of the tray.

Can this bright starts walk-a-bout walker roaming safari baby walker be used for feeding?

The plastic materials used in this walker is kids friendly. It’s easy to clean. The activity tray is removable and can be used as dining table for kids.

Is it possible to order replacement toys/parts for bright starts walk a-bout safari baby walker?

No, for a cheaper product that gives a considerable feature, it is difficult for the manufacturer to stock replacement parts for this walker.

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