About Me
Hi. I appreciate your curiousity to know who the blog writer is!
Yeh! That’s me. Binu Antony mother of two kids, a homemaker, a blogger, and also a voice-over specialist for youtube channels.
What made me create this blog!
Well, The first walker which I bought for my older son was a boon for me. It actually took in many roles in the house when I actually had no one to shoulder my responsibilities to.
It was a miracle for me!
Why do I say this. You will understand if you can image yourself my place. Imagine if you have to do the entire household tasks right from cleaning, cooking, taking care of baby, feeding and beyond that your personal daily routines.
It’s actually very difficult to put the crawling baby on the floor and do all the houselhold. Beyond difficulty it was more risky to put your baby on the floor when you are busy doing something and baby may put anything and eveything in his mouth.
This walker was a blessing in disquise!

My son when he was 10 months old on a seated walker.
Well, why do I say this. I was actually totally ignorant about this when I got this home and I just considered it to be a toy like any other toy could be!
But one thing I found uncommon in this seated walker was that my baby can’t just move out of this without my help. Of course, he did it once he reached 1.3 years. Just ping me if you want to know-how.
So, what I could do is put him in this walker and place him near the kitchen area and finish of my work.
There were times when I had to rush to loo and had no one to keep a watch on my baby. So, what do I do here?
I simply place him inside this walker and go and come back. By the time I reach he is sure to cry but there won’t be any mishaps or fear of him getting into accidents as this is like a small prison for him.
Later, I came to know about push walkers which actually give more freedom for babies to move around and keep them engaged and entertained which I got it for my second child. My second child actually started walking early that is 10 months, so seated walker was of no use for her.
Eventually, I started experimenting all other types of baby gears that ease our work. I also recommend and suggests parents about the various baby gears available that would fit their needs.
If you are one of those parents who want to know which to select and are quite confused on your decisions, feel free to contact me.