reasons for late walking in babies

Top 7 reasons for late walking in babies

There are children who start to walk later than other children, and some do so much later than others, despite the fact that there is no medical problem that causes this “delay” (in quotation marks because it does not really have to be a delay, but which may simply be that it slows down). In this article, I have jotted down the top 7 Reasons For Late Walking In Babies which prevent them from walking independently.

This can cause a bit of concern in parents and so it might be interesting to explain the seven most common reasons that make some children take longer to start walking.

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push walkers help in walking

Let’s first understand the fact that not all children are born equal with respect to physics, talents and so on. Even if you have two or more children, you might definetely notice that one child may walker a little late than the other.

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What are the reasons for late walking in babies?

1. Is slower in making developmental progress

There are no exact rules that say when a baby has to walk, and proof of this is that some 10-month-old babies walk perfectly when others don’t until 15 or 18 months.

If our son was a little slow to turn around, if he was still lying down when others were already seated and if he barely moved from the place when others were already crawling, it is most likely perfectly normal that he takes longer to walk than the children your age. 

Moreover, it is probably the most logical, simply because its rhythm is a little different. The only thing to observe is that this process is not too slow, basically in case some type of disorder has to be ruled out.

2. The baby is calmer than other babies

There are babies who are calm, very calm in general, who can spend hours sitting without saying a word, who play sitting or lying in the same place, that if they do not reach a toy they settle for the one they are closest to and that Logically, they will start doing everything later. It is not that there is a problem in reality, but that they will simply do the same, but later, because they are not in a hurry or need to do it before .

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3. He is a very cautious baby

Precaution is a characteristic of people that is usually linked to experiences and character. Focusing on the way of being of each child, there are some who are authentic kamikazes , who when they do not know how to walk they let go to do it, when they do not know how to crawl, they throw themselves to the ground and when they do not know how to get out of bed, they do it almost upside down.

Other children, on the other hand, are more cautious. They do not jump a little step because they do not dare and sit down first and then lower their feet until they touch the ground, they crawl only in areas that they consider safe, they walk close to the wall as if they were Spiderman because that is how they find furniture in which hold on and if by any chance they find themselves standing up, with no possible hold, they prefer to crouch and crawl rather than take the first step.

These children usually take longer to start walking, but they have the advantage that they hit very little, because when they do they have enough strength and the necessary balance to do so.

4. When he tried he got a good scare

Linked to the comments in the previous point, some of the daring babies usually try to walk before they are ready, falling to the ground if we are not close to prevent the fall. If this fall was strong, if he did a lot of damage or was too scared, it is possible that the bad experience made him afraid and that he suddenly entered the group of cautious children: “I tried, it went wrong, I am not risking anymore … when I see that I can safely do it I will do it again. Until then, I refuse. “

5. Your anatomy doesn’t help

There may be children whose anatomy does not help them to be among the first to walk. If they weigh a lot or if their height affects the balance of children, it could take them longer to take their first steps. There is nothing special to do because it is a matter of time before they develop their sense of balance further.

6. Someone shook his hand to make him start walking

Sometimes it happens that parents, with all the good intentions in the world, see that their daughter is about to walk and instead of letting her take the first step they decide to help her by giving her the little hand. At that moment the baby begins to walk taking advantage of the point of support that helps him maintain balance, which is none other than the hand that holds him from above.

If you like the subject and you end up using it as a means of transportation, you may stop crawling and simply call Mom or Dad every time you want to move from one place to another, so they can shake your hand and help you go there. where they want.

This means that the baby is no longer autonomous , that he is always looking for the support he needs and that he does not search for the balance point and the strength necessary to walk on his own.

7. He is an expert in crawling

It can also happen that a baby is a true expert at crawling and does it so well and so fast that it does not see any advantage to walking slowly. If by crawling he has already found a way to get where he wants and he does it quickly, as well as safely, it does not make much sense for him to stand up, walk slowly and fall every few steps.


There are many things that can cause a child to walk later than others. The important thing is to know that most of the time it is something normal and take into account that, if it takes too long to take the first steps (it is more than 18 months, for example, and does not walk), it could be interesting to assess if there could be a problem at the psychomotor level, at the developmental level or at the nutritional level (anemia, for example, can cause psychomotor development to be affected).

Having known the reasons for delayed walking, have patience, and try these tips to make the first steps independently.

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