If you are looking for a mountain baby carrier for adventurous families, we will tell you the keys to choosing well, and why you should not look for a specific mountain backpack .
Hiking with babies
Hiking with a baby carriage is mission impossible, so if you like to go for a walk you will be tempted to look for a mountain baby carrier.
One of the multiple benifits of hiking baby carriers is that it allows you to go wherever your legs go.
But since the carrier is not ergonomic, you will end up with back pain and an angry baby or child.
Baby carriers for hiking and mountain
Look for an ergonomic baby carrier , which properly distributes the weight between your hips and back.
The laws of physics are the same when hiking:
– In a good baby carrier, the baby’s bottom should be above the line of your navel , whether you carry it in front or on your back.
– Your hips should form an M , so that you sit comfortably.
– When his head limits your field of vision, it is advisable to carry him on the back , where the weight is better distributed.
Why you should not use a specific mountain backpack
In the image on the left you can see an ergonomic baby carrier and in the one on the right a mountain backpack.
Comfort and ergonomics for the baby or child:
In the ergonomic backpack , the child is seated, from the knees, and the back of the backpack supports him completely, allowing him to fall asleep and relax. He could even hold his head with the hood, since all ergonomic backpacks have it.
In the mountain backpack , the fabric is rigid, there is space between your body and the baby carrier, so it will move from one side to the other if you fall asleep. The seat of the backpack does not come up to his knees, and he has to put his feet in stirrups. Also, you can’t hold his head.
Ergonomics for the carrier :
In the ergonomic backpack , the weight is properly distributed and does not modify the center of gravity.

In the hiking the child’s head is very high, causing the “lollipop” effect , and throwing the carrier backwards.
In addition, the structure, being rigid, digs into the back and adds extra weight.
The best backpacks for hiking and traveling
Best evolutionary ergonomic backpacks:
If you are looking for an evolutionary backpack (the panel grows as the baby grows), Infantino Flip Advanced 4-in-1 Carrier are an excellent choice, thanks to their wrap fabric, made with organic cotton, they are breathable despite the heat.
In technical fabric, the Moby Move baby carrier , thanks to its ventilated panel and mesh fabric straps.
From birth to approximately 2 years, it is very easy to use and excellent value for money.
Best Toddler Backpacks (from 18 months to 5-6 years):
We would go (and have gone) to the end of the world with her. If you are looking for a baby carrier from 2 years old, the Luvdbaby Premium Baby Backpack Carrier for Hiking are ideal thanks to their excellent padding and panel width, up to a maximum of 30 kg.