If you have a newborn at home, you may be wondering how to put a one-month-old baby to sleep. Sleeping a newborn baby is a challenge, since his young age and his need to breastfeed will make him always alert. To this we must add that, as a mother, you will surely be very tired after the first weeks in the world of motherhood, so the problem of sleep is even more accentuated.

Next, we are going to explain some tips on how to put a baby to sleep in the first weeks of life . It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either.
Tricks to make the baby sleep during the first month
During the first month of life, the baby will sleep an average of 16 hours a day, although not in a row, of course. As a general rule, the baby will wake up every three hours to receive his feed. Since not all babies are the same, some will be able to sleep longer and others less. The maximum they will be able to sleep at night in a continuous way is five hours, although in most cases they do not reach those sleep levels.
It is necessary to take advantage of all the baby’s sleep hours to rest, but how do you put a one-month-old baby to sleep? One of the most effective tricks is to sing to him as you move him around the room.
Creating a routine before bed will also help you fall asleep. Try taking a bath after the last feed of the day and before going to sleep, this will help you get a deeper sleep at night. Likewise, creating a subdued environment and playing soothing music can also help you fall asleep more quickly.
Cot or bed? Where should the baby sleep
Many mothers decide to put their baby to bed to keep him close and rest better, but is it recommended? The specialists do not recommend that babies sleep in bed with their parents but in the same room . Sleeping with the baby in certain situations can even be dangerous.
How does breastfeeding influence bedtime?
The baby will be able to sleep three to five hours at night after the last breastfeeding. This means that, at the very least, you will have to wake up to give him one more feed at night. Remember that the best is breastfeeding on demand, that is, when the baby asks you to. So, if he doesn’t wake up at night to eat, don’t wake him up yourself, unless your pediatrician tells you for a special situation . He will do it when he notices that his time to eat has come.
How much does a one-month-old baby usually sleep?
How much does a one-month-old baby sleep is a question we all ask ourselves when we have a young child at home. The answer is that it depends , since not all babies are the same. Each one will have a different rhythm, so some will sleep more and others will eat often. However, as a general rule, one-month-old babies have to sleep between 16 and 17 hours a day .
After feedings, the one-month-old baby usually stays awake for a short time, less than an hour, so he will fall asleep right away to wake up at approximately three hours and eat again.
The longest sleep is at night , especially when a few days have passed and the baby gets used to the nighttime schedule. During the day, the baby can take a long nap and combine it with other smaller dreams between feedings.
Important Warning : Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for babies. The pediatrician is the one who can best advise you on the care and feeding of your child, and on the foods that you should add to the diet as he grows.